808 Cleanups keeping hawaii clean from mauka to makai 501c3 nonprofit

Help Restore Hawaiʻi from Mauka to Makai

808 Cleanups is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit supporting and empowering volunteers and inspiring communities to restore the islands from Mauka to Makai.

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Issues and Opportunities We Tackle

Volunteer removing graffiti
Litter & Graffiti Removals
Cultural Restoration- Uhau Humu Pōhaku Dry Stack Masonry, Rock Weaving
Uhau Humu Pōhaku Stone Weaving
Young boy removing pallet bonfire nails with a magnet broom during a beach cleanup
Education & Community Outreach
Removing invasive plants using a variety of mechanical methods
Invasive Plant Species Removals
Two young girls removing fishing net during a beach cleanup
Beach, Park, Trail & Urban Cleanups
Restoring native plants to coastlines
Native Plant Species Restorations
Free diver removing fishing line from coral reef
Coral Reef Cleanups & Restoration
Volunteers painting an art mural led by Solomon Enos
Arts and Cultural Stewardship Projects

Our Impact

Data compiled using our free 808 Cleanups App!


Pounds of Rubbish Removed (All Categories)


Group Cleanup Events


Volunteer Engagements


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