Help raise funds for 808 Cleanups!
Your support is critical to the 808 Cleanups mission! We are a seven days a week, 365 days a year 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supporting volunteers on all the Hawaiian Islands. If you believe in the value of our work and the incredible volunteers who take ACTION, please consider supporting 808 Cleanups!
Multiple ways to support 808 Cleanups on our donate page, including credit card, PayPal, and check. Make sure to check out Other ways you can donate at the bottom of the Donate page as well!
The Power of YOU!
The most tremendous advocate for 808 Cleanups is YOU, the active volunteer! Your story and the story of how you’re involved in the volunteer community is the best pitch for donor support! Let us know how we can support your fundraising! Please make sure to show your family, friends and colleagues our social media links right here. Have them Subscribe/Follow/Comment/Like all of our social media! See exactly what we’ve been up to with new photos and videos every week. See the testimonials of support!
Fundraising Idea: Facebook Fundraiser
Follow these four easy steps below to start your own Facebook Fundraiser for 808 Cleanups! First, make sure to grab the custom 808 Cleanups Facebook Fundraiser banner for Step 4!
Step 1: Go to Facebook Fundraisers. Click RAISE MONEY. Select Nonprofit.
Step 2: Type 808 Cleanups in the Search field. Select 808 Cleanups.
Step 3: Click the Edit button on the cover photo. Select Upload Photo.
Step 4: Upload the 808 Cleanups Facebook Fundraiser Banner. Select the fundraising amount. Click CREATE. Now it’s live!